All the interviews for the printed book are complete. The manuscript is written, edited, and laid out. The cover design is done. Two proofs have been reviewed and returned to my publisher. It's almost time to release this book!
If you've heard me speak, you'll know this book is the culmination of a long journey that has brought me to my current understanding of leadership, and a couple years of work researching and testing my theories. A corporate career, active service on non-profit boards, and running my own business have given me a number of perspectives on leadership. I've read many of the books that sparked trends in corporate leadership. Some were good, some were...not so much.
I envision a new corporate trend in the wake of The Feline CEO. The book's subtitle is "How following a cat's lead can make you a better business leader." It sprang from my learning a lot about cat behavior as I was developing my retail site, then seeing how a lot of the simple wisdom behind cat behavior translated well over to leading a business.
While it may seem like releasing the book that's the result of all this work is the end of a journey, it's really just a beginning. I'll be speaking all over the world about the principles in this book. I'll be hosting events so people can take a deep dive on some of them. I'll continue interviewing more CEOs to see how they're applying these principles in leading their own companies. The body of material will continue growing and developing.
I plan to touch at least a million people's lives with this book. There are some people I'll be taking along with me on that journey. Will you be one? I hope so!
More soon on the next developments!
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